meet the fam

We work with our family. Like, literally.
Headshot of Jen Armstrong

jen armstrong is a sucker
for experiences

CEO/Founder & Wannabe Imagineer

Over the years, she has spent countless hours thinking through and creating one of a kind gifts and events for those she loves. She loathes the generic, so she’s always looking for the personal details that turn ordinary moments into something special.

Chris Armstrong

Sr. Designer & Hufflepuff
Chris is sort of like our magic wand. You speak a vision out loud and BAM! Chris makes it real. During the week, he designs all our products and does IT-ish things. But on the weekends, he moonlights as our family’s personal game show host / MC / in-house musician.

Patrick Boyd

Life of the Party
Patrick is the creative force behind our Product Development Team. Our games are great in part because Patrick works too hard and loves too much.

Megan McDougal

Assistant to the Manager
Megan helps run our Product Development Team, making sure everything gets done. But still finds time to keep us entertained with "That's what she said..." jokes.

Trinity Armstrong

Groovy Chick
Although she is our Gen Z-in-resident, she's an old soul who loves tea, her cat, and the Golden Girls (not necessarily in that order). Trinity has her hands in all things marketing.

Jessica Apolinario

Marketing Queen
Jessica runs circles around all of us. If there's something to be done, she'll get it done in half the time of anyone else. With a background in marketing, she makes sure our stuff will sell.

Kaylee Terry

Designer & Foodie
Kaylee's passion is flowers, but we make games so she's putting her incredible design skills to use and cranking out some of the most amazing game designs in the industry. Plus, she knows all the great Tulsa restaurants.

Uncle Chip Weir

Sales & Cowboys
Uncle Chip was 14 when Jen was born so he's always been near the top of her Uncle List. Chip has come in and owned our customer and sales support to the point where everyone has just started asking for Uncle Chip. And if you've talked to him for more than a few minutes, you'll know he loves his OSU Cowboys.

Janet Armstrong

Chief Operations Officer + Momager
Janet manages our data, plus other things that require you to be a total genius. There’s a 99% chance she will have you laughing in the first two minutes of meeting her and she'll probably invite you to dinner.

Kevin Schnieder

CFO & Spreadsheets
Kevin is the man that can turn anything into a process and measure it with a spreadsheet. The experience he brings to our team is invaluable. Literally. We tried to measure it with a spreadsheet.

Filipe Azevedo

Brand Manager
Filipe, or “Fi” as we call him, is a creative mastermind. With experience and expertise in video editing, project management, and marketing campaigns, Fi brings the strategies to our brand overall.

Edward Hommel

The British One
Edward married into the family, which instantly gave us a +10 in nerdiness. He's an actual rocket scientist and has run a D&D campaign for the last several years. Edi makes sure our games work. Plus, he gets very passionate about rules. Told you he was nerdy.

Sofie Bolivar

Marketing Coordinator
Sofie works in our marketing office here at SolidRoots. She is involved in social media, marketing collateral, and design. In her free time, she is most likely baking gluten-free sweet treats or working on a puzzle.

the rest of the crew

Group image of Jen's extended family. Everyone is smiling and wearing shades of red and blue.
Jen's Family

Our products are inspired by Jen’s family who is obsessed with over-celebrating just about any occasion you can think of. They are loud, they are Italian, and they are fierce Rummy players. Their history is littered with hilarious stories, memories, and videos of ordinary occasions that turned into epic events. Some of their parties have been so wildly fun and over the top that they frequently have friends and neighbors ask if they can join in! Of course, they always say “Yes!”