How to Play

Game of Phones

No need to put your phone away for this game night. In Game of Phones, you will need to use your smartphone to take on four different types of unique challenges. Compete with your friends to find funny pictures, describe yourself with emojis or even get other people to message you. Can you convince the Influencer to award you the win in the ultimate digital scavenger hunt?

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Using your smartphone, win challenges put forth by cards.

Game Over

When someone collects 5 cards by winning challenges.


Whoever collected those 5 cards first wins.

How To Play

Shuffle the deck and get out your smartphones.
Choose an Influencer for the first round (the last person to receive a text).
Each round, the Influencer draws the top card, reading the challenge out loud.
The winner of the round keeps the challenge card as a trophy.
The Influencer changes to the person on the left of the last Influencer, and they draw a new card starting the next round.
Shuffle the deck and get out your smartphones.
Choose an Influencer for the first round (the last person to receive a text).
Each round, the Influencer draws the top card, reading the challenge out loud.
The winner of the round keeps the challenge card as a trophy.

Calling Gen Z!

It’s like the cooler older brother, tech version of Apple-to-Apples. Make sure you’re phones are charged and warning: your camera roll might be exposed.

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