How to Play


This is a game for people with strong opinions! Pick a card from the deck and ‘Rant’ about the topic on the card for one minute without any hesitation, repetition, or deviation (it’s more difficult than it seems). If you can’t Rant for the full minute, or mess up in any way, another player rings the bell and gets the opportunity to finish the Rant.

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To Rant on a topic continuously for one minute without messing up.

Game Over

When the first person wins 3 Rant cards.


The first person to win 3 cards.

How To Play

Shuffle the cards, place them, along with the bell and timer in the middle.
The most opinionated player is the Host for the first round, they control the timer.
The person to the left of the Host draws a card and must Rant about it for one minute without repetition, deviation, or hesitation.
Players watch and ring the bell if the person Ranting messes up… the Host decides whether or not to acknowledge or deny the claim.
Shuffle the cards, place them, along with the bell and timer in the middle.
The most opinionated player is the Host for the first round, they control the timer.
The person to the left of the Host draws a card and must Rant about it for one minute without repetition, deviation, or hesitation.
Players watch and ring the bell if the person Ranting messes up… the Host decides whether or not to acknowledge or deny the claim.


All you have to do is rant for 60 seconds about the topic on the card. Hint hint - if you have strong opinions - this is for you.

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